If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, anxiety or other mental health issues, the following resources provide excellent information and assistance.
Information and Treatment
Canadian Mental Health Association (National): www.cmha.ca
Bevy of resources on a number of disorders and information on specific issues, such as issues arising out of the workplace and issues affecting men. CMHA’s programs assist with employment, housing, early intervention for youth, peer support, recreation services for people with mental illness, stress reduction workshops and public education campaigns for the community.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Pharmacogenetics Program: http://www.camh.ca/en/research/research_areas/clinical_translational_labs/Pages/Pharmacogenetics-Program.aspx
CAMH is currently conducting a research clinic on how patients’ genetic profile affects how well they respond to treatment with psychiatric medications or whether they develop side effects. With a referral from your family doctor, the clinic will do a cheek swab and determine which medications and which dosages would be best for your particular genetic makeup. Definitely worth a try if you have tried every medication under the sun like I have.
Canadian Mental Health Association (Provincial): www.cmha.ontario.ca
The provincial arm of CMHA provides information on the intersection of mental health issues with other many different kinds of mental health services provided in Ontario for persons of all ages.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: www.camh.net
CAMH is Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital. It provides clinical care, treatment programs as well as family, community and social support resources for people with mental health issues.
Mental Health Services Information Ontario: www.mhsio.on.ca
MHSIO is an information and referral service linking individuals to services and supports across Ontario. It operates a confidential and anonymous Information Line (1-866-531-2600) which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. MHSIO also provides comprehensive, up-to-date reports on the a wide range of mental health service options, detailed descriptions of the types of services available, and referral and admission procedures.
The Mood Disorder Association of Ontario: www.mooddisorders.on.ca
Provides information for local support groups so you can vent in person.
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit, University Health Network: www.mdpu.ca
An academic mood disorders research centre that conducts drug-specific studies to provide cutting edge information on multi-disciplinary approaches to depression.
National Institute of Mental Health: www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
Located in Washington D.C., NIMH Conducts clinical research to advance prevention, recovery and cures for mental illness.
Surviving Depression: www.survivingdepression.net
This site is dedicated to creating an informational network that covers all aspects of depression. Recognizing that the types and forms of depression vary according to the individual, the site provides oodles of information on types of depression you didn’t even know existed as well as various treatment options.
Find a Doctor
Canadian Psychiatric Association: www.cpa-apc.org/browse/documents/14
This page of the CPA provides a helpful resource for finding a psychiatrist in each province.
College of Physician and Surgeons: www.cpso.on.ca
To see a psychiatrist, you likely need a referral from a family doctor. The CPSO’s doctor search provides a public register of all doctors in Ontario and their practice information. The search allows you to refine your search to doctors accepting new patients.
Mental Health Services Information Ontario: www.mhsio.on.ca
[See Above]
Psychology Today: www.therapists.psychologytoday.com
Psychology Today provides a directory of different types of therapists, including: psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and art therapists. You can refine your search by issue as well as by postal code.
Ontario Human Rights Commission: www.ohrc.on.ca/en/issues/mental health
People with mental health and addiction challenges are protected under the ground of “disability” in the Human Rights Code. The OHRC provides publications and policies explaining the human rights protections for people with mental health disabilities and addictions in housing, employment and services.